Life is a special occasion

L | D Finds : LSS Harmony

I received this inspiration quote today from LSS Harmony and wanted to share it. Life can be extremely stressful and overwhelming, certainly so if you are planning a huge event. Many people run through the day at a mile a minute and never pause to make sure they are okay themselves. We forget how important it is to take a minute or two, breathe and bring it down a notch.

Though I can't speak for everyone, I certainly can say for myself that running my own business, being a wife and mother, taking care of my home and family and taking care of my clients is a lot to juggle. So much that sometimes I wonder how I get it all done. If it weren't for my husband and mother-in-law, I would never be able to successfully do what I do. But not everyone has an outlet to help themselves.

If you don't have an outlet, and life is getting to be a little overwhelming or out of whack, you might consider contacting a holistic life coach like West Palm Beach based LSS Harmony who offers a modern method for helping individuals get healthy on all levels: Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. The owner of LSS Harmony, Sophie Skover, examines what your life currently looks like from your spirituality, diet and posture, to your thinking habits and beliefs. She will then apply specific exercises and techniques to address and work through the inner areas that cause life inflammation. Doesn't that sound nice!

There are many different areas where Sophie can help:

  • Life Coaching: Learn life skills that help you manage the daily issues and breakthrough techniques that create empowering resolutions
  • Food Coaching: Learn to have a healthier relationship with food
  • Job & Career Coaching: Discover your purpose and learn how to create that path
  • Relationship Coaching: Heal the one you are in, start a new one or get out of an unhealthy one
  • Goal Coaching : Uncover your desires and create a SMART blueprint on how to bring them into reality

If you're feeling overwhelmed, or you are just in need of some guidance, put yourself first and take the step! Whether it's enlisting the help of a life coach, yoga, or whatever outlet that works for you. Take the time and invest it in yourself because you're worth it!

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